Fun with nerd stuff.

Actuarial Simulation - proVersion

In the baseVersion, the frequency and servity of claims of the gross simulation of a non-life insurance portfolio are analysed. This also lays the foundations for the reinsurance simulations that are relevant in practice.

Two non-proportional covers can be simulated as reinsurance:

- Per risk XL (Excess of loss)

- Agg XL (Aggregate Excess of loss)

Proportional reinsurance, such as quota share reinsurance or surplus treaties, is not provided for.

The following features are definable:

- Limit and priority (XS)
- AAD - Annual Aggregate Deductable

- Various coverage structures: 
   - ∞ infinite reinstatements
   - number of reinstatements with reinstatement premium
   - AAL - Annual Agregat Limit

- Reinsurance premium mit loading in percentage of standard deviation (e.g. 0,2)

Introduction video


The simulation graphics and the percentiles for the reinsurer (ceded claims) and for the deductible (net claims after reinsurance) are now also available here.

This means that all the main reinsurance structures for Pro Risk XL and Agg XL can be possible to analyse.

Attention: Take care of the simulation error!

The simulated results can now be saved as .csv files for further processing.

E.g. after pressing the "Back" button, the .csv file can be "moved" to the respective folder. 



The saved .csv file is visible and available within the Files app.

... here e.g. as "Ceded.csv"

These files can then be further processed, e.g. loaded into Excel as text files.
Caution: The values are initially character strings, which may then have to be converted into numbers.

Underwriting results are shown on the following page of the APP.

Note: Brokerage is included in the net result. Brokerage is not included in the reinsurer's result as it is paid to the broker by the primary insurer.

The pro version is available for a fee (4.99 EUR, one off payment) in the App Store (iOS) for iPhone and iPad. 

See under "Actuary" or "Thomas Schmidt".
